The SCRIP Program is a great way to earn money for our school. The gift cards are purchased at a discount from RaiseRight, Giant and Weis. All you have to do is purchase gift cards at face value and the school keeps the difference. This is a great way you can help control tuition costs!
We keep Giant and Weis in stock at all times and once a month we place a "special" order from RaiseRight. Please visit the RaiseRight website for a full list of retailers or choose cards from the order form. ( Order forms will be sent home with your child.
You can send your order in to school with your child and your cards will be sent home with them. Remember to send a check along with your order form made out to Holy Trinity SCRIP or you can send cash.
If you have any questions, please call Denise in the school office at 717-854-8263 or email [email protected]